
Eglinton Crosslinx Transit Solution Light Rail Transit– Miscellaneous Steel (Design Assist)

Location: Eglinton Crosstown Stations: Oakwood / Keelesdale/ Caledonia / Chaplin Stations
Scope: Design Assist and Connections Design for Structural and Miscellaneous Steel
Description: 2018 – 2023: Design of various structural platforms, accessways, railings , embed support steel and other station structural work for Eglington Crosslinx Transit Solutions. There were multiple stations, the primary ones being Oakwood, Keelesdale, Caledonia and Chaplin stations were performed with the steel fabricator, Versan Steel and the General Contractor. All structural steel connection design and loads analysis was performed at the various stations during the overall crosstown light rail transit construction over a period of approximately 5 years.